Some of the carrots in the deep box, sown on April 14th for Carrot Week, look as though they may be germinating finally so I left that square alone for now. The carrots in the cold frame are not showing at all, possibly they got too dry?
Here is the plan for this deep bed:

The broad bean plants were all raised inside. I sowed them in cardboard tubes, filled with compost, and seated on a layer of vermiculite. They made great root systems, out into the vermiculite. I hope that they will transplant OK. The Masterpiece beans are very tall, they certainly grow quickly - and claim to be the fastest growing broad bean. Both types should grow to 90cm. I've staked them now, and will have to stake them better later.
The sweet pea plants were also started off indoors in an eggbox - did not work so well as the roots must have been disturbed when planted out. May need to replace them with something else later.
I sowed one square of the Javelin parsnip which I tried last year. Also three squares of The Student. I grew that some years ago and thought it did very well so it will be interesting to compare a heritage type with an F1. Not sure if 16 seeds per square is too many, so did one square of 9 seeds.
The box had one square of Early Nantes 5, sown in Carrot Week. I put another squeare next to it, this is three weeks later and if the first lot do anything at all then I want to know if there is any overall advantage of early sowing. The final two squares are Amsterdam 3 Sprint. Grew these last year and they did seem to be a tad faster than the Nantes.

I watered everything and covered the whole box with fleece.
The shallow box still has the coldframes over it. The strawberry plants look good and the garlic is mostly doing fine. Some cloves had rotted so I pulled those out. there were three squares unplanted in there, so I planted those up with onions: Centurian, a white onion, 16 to each square.
Next thing to do is get another box (or two) made, and buy potatoes to chit.
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