Thursday, May 26, 2011

Potatoes in

It is stupidly cold here now. The potatoes were barely sprouting but I put them in anyway (on the 24th) because the forecast is for rain later in the week.
I used the back two rows of the new deep box, so now it is full of potatoes and carrots - though they have not come up yet.
The kalibroc which I had grown indoors was hardened off a bit at least, and then put in the back row of the new shallow box. In front of that I put the purple sprouting broccoli which I grew in the winter sowing experiment. It is not as big as the indoor plants so I doubt if this will be a way to get things growing quickly. It will be interesting to see if it produces anything edible at all.
I now have three full boxes, space only in the new shallow box. If I get to Hveragerði next week then I will buy some plants to put in there, have to see what is available but perhaps some cabbage.
With temperatures well under 10°C and dropping to 3°C often over night, things are just hanging on rather than actually growing :-( We did have a very small amount of rhubarb though, mixed in some apple and made a crumble!

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