It was a very wet spring. I suspect that everything got washed out of the soil and even though I added the usual amount of chicken manure and dried seaweed, and the second half of the summer was lovely, nothing grew very well except for the strawberries. Even the kale, red cabbage and swede, bought as plants, did poorly and were mostly not even big enough to eat.
The carrots are still growing now, and I dug up the few potatoes today - they were mostly the weird-looking ones that had been in the garage for over a year; I failed to plant them out last spring. They had become lots of very small potato plants, with small leaves, so I did not expect much from them. Got quite a lot of tiny potatoes though; I will see if they keep OK and plan to sow them properly next spring if they do.
I moved the damson plants, apple plant, lilies and Dad's honey suckle into the right-hand deep box. I am going to give them decent shelter for the winter. They were all in small pots, sheltering in between the strawberry plants so I hope that they do better now.
If it wasn't for these "special" plants, I would aim to empty and renew the right hand box next year - it has a lot of hedge roots in it now I think, and one of the screws holding the green line came out of its hole (rotted a bit). But since I only moved the plants there this year I think I will need to put that off. Perhaps it would be smartest to deepen the front right hand box instead.
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