Here is a picture which I took on September 13th. Three weeks later the garden looks pretty much the same! The weather has stayed warm, above 10°C most of the time, and I think there has been a very slight frost just twice.

You can see that I made a small box for the rhubarb, and moved it from where it was. One plant came from Hvolsvöllur and the other one I bought a couple of years ago but it never did very much - probably because it was between the blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes! They are now planted in garden soil, with some mushroom compost mixed in. I'll give them more pompost in the spring.
Today I cut a bowl of broccoli - actually I have thrown quite a bit away as it had begun to flower. It just keeps coming and coming, as little florets which should be good to stirfry.
I planted some garlic cloves in the shallow box. Nine cloves from a supermarket, and eight from Maður Lifandi (so they are organic). The supermarket ones are in the square where I had the spring onions I think.
I have transplanted some young strawberry plants too. When it gets cold I am going to put the coldframes over the shallow box. I hope that will result in a btter strawberry crop and even some fresh garlic.
Finally, a picture of the parsnips and carrots which I pulled on September 22nd. I wanted them for a family meal when we were all together after the summer - the parsnips were not huge but very tasty! I have left the rest of the carrots and parsnips in, not sure how much bigger they will get but the grass is still strong and green so they may be growing a little. Depending on the weather I may leave them even longer.

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