Lovely sunny weather for a couple of days now. So time to cut the grass and try and make things look a bit better. The left-hand deep box is now about full.
The potatoes are all from last year, stored in the fridge over winter. I put the rest of them in the box by the balcony, with last year's molta.
I never got around to starting the beans indoors so I just soaked them overnight and then planted them out - see what happens. Once soaked French beans and Borlotti beans look pretty much the same (and I had already forgotten that I had soaked both!) so they are mixed together in the box.
J. Artichokes still here | French salad potatoes x4 |
French salad potatoes x4
French salad potatoes x4
Moonlight x5
| French salad potatoes x4 |
Premier x2
Premier x2
Moonlight x5 | Masterpiece BB x4 | Italian BB x4 | Italian BB x4 |
French beans x9 |
French beans x9
French beans x9
French beans x3
Black Kale |