I have mixed news on the garden front. Below is a picture of the whole garden as it is today. It is obvious that the carrots on teh right are all much paler than the ones on the left (which are in fresh mix). I'm guessing that the amount of mushroom compost which I added was not enough to supply the needed nitrogen. The broadbeans seem to be perfectly happy, but I think they bind nitrogen themselves? Anyhow, I've been giving a liquid feed of seaweed fertilizer and that does not seem to have changed much so today I sprinkled on some chicken manure and I am watering it in now.
I dug up all of the garlic today because the grass had dried. Each clove only made one round bulb so not sure what is happening there. It is juicy enough but just doesn't look like garlic!
We have eaten most of the spinach, I've pulled half of it up as it had begun to flower. The broccoli is just coming on, had 4 tiny heads last night. And the strawberries are very good now.