Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two weeks later

Just wanted to update this as a record of how things are growing. The weather has been warm (12°C plus) but grey and some rain showers. There is one spear of broccoli so far - looks rather lonely there and I am keeping an eye on it so I will pick it before it flowers. Hope that more come then.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All over!

Slight exaggeration there :-)

We have had quite a lot of spinach and beetroot leaves over the last couple of weeks. I am really happy with both of those. The spinach had begun to flower so I picked the last lot of leaves two days ago, and today I pulled up the plants and sowed more seeds.

I also cut the beetroot leaves off and brought them in for a last crop. Then I pulled those out too and sowed more "mixed salad". Last time only the beetroot came up (although there are now tiny seedlings of what might be celery leaves)so it will be interesting to see what happens now it is a bit warmer.

I also put in a pre-sown disc of coriander; there should be time for that to come up.

Everything else is doing pretty well. I've been keeping it all covered over but I think I'll start leaving the covers off during the day unless we get bad weather. One of the broccoli plants has a tiny head forming so perhaps not long until there is something to pick there.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First salad of the summer!

Yum yum!
Spinach, beetroot leaves, chives, melissa and thyme (going to put some of the herbs in an omelette).